My PTC list

*Neobux*----------------------------------------------*Neobux* *Adbux*------------------------------------------------ *AdBux* *Upbux*------------------------------------------------ *UpBux*

sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2010


Hi, I'm an 18 year old student from Portugal. Recently I found a way I can earn extra income using PTC sites.

These sites pay you to view advertisement. It's usually not much, around 1 cent for each ad you view although some of them also offer casino-style games like Blackjack or Coin Flipping where you can try your luck and maybe win.

But the best way to earn money on these sites is taking advantage of their affliate program. They offer a bonus income for each person I redirect to their site, it's usually a percentage of his clicks. This means that if you join by clicking on any of the banners I have here, register at the site and click an ad, you will get credit 1 cent and will be credited 1 cent as well :)

Oh and you can also "rent" unrefered members and get the same bonus as if you had if you reffered them yourself. For example, on Neobux you pay around 25 cents for a referral and you can keep him for a month. A referal has a minimum of 4 ads available each day, that means that if he clicks all of them during this month, you will be credited 1,2$, pretty good huh? Unfortunatly you can also get a referral who's not so active but in that case you can just replace him.

In order to cashout your earnings, you need to have an alertpay or paypal account. Just register one here or at

These are the sites I trust the most, they have been paying their members and have been around for quite a long time.

Neobux! I actually invested money from my own pocket in this site to rent some referrals and I do not regret it, I've already recovered my investment and making profit. I highly recommend it.

AdPTC! This site has been part of the project which was very successful, now it has split into 2 diferent sites, one of which is AdPTC. I'm new to this site but it looks very well managed. Since it's part of a new project now, it's a good chance to get referrals.

Upbux! It's a new PTC and it offers gambling games, Blackjack, Head or Tails, High low. It's the part I like the most about this site. I make money from viewing the ads then go play at the "casino", It's a lot of fun.

Enjoy them!

There are more sites like these out there although some of them turn out to be scams, be careful!
Always google for a PTC before joining it to see if there have been people complaining about it.

The portuguese version (for my buddies)


Nos vos vou maçar com muitos detalhes, o que precisam de saber acerca de site PTC é que eles pagam para visualizar anúncios (no maior parte das vezes um centimo).

Alguns desses sites têm jogos de azar mas mais importante ainda são os referidos. Estes são pessoas que se registam usando o seu username, também ganha uma certa percentagem pelos anúncio que eles visualizarem, quantos mais referido tiver, melhor!

Tem ainda a opção de alugar referidos que se registaram em nome de ninguem. Por exemplo no Neobux, pode pagar 25 centimos por um referido e recebe uma percentagem dos seus cliques durante um mês. O mínimo de anúncio que uma pessoa tem disponivel por dia é 4 e no caso do seu referido clicar todos os anuncios todos os dias receberá 1,2$ no final. Contudo isto acontece raras vezes, felizmente se não estiver satisfeito com o seu referido pode sempre trocá-lo.

O site em que eu mais confio de momento é o Neobux, que existe há já quase 2 anos e tem sempre pagado instantaneamente. O Adbux e o Upbux são sites relativamente mais novos portanto apresentam uma boa oportunidade de arranjar referidos. Se estiver interresado em fazer parte nalgum destes projectos clique num dos banners no topo da página.
Bons ganhos! :)

Há mais sites destes na net contudo alguns deles são fraudulentos portanto o melhor é pesquisar antes de investir em qualquer PTC para certificarem-se que é seguro.